a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...

new page

Econ AAAQ I am just a person very interested in why economics is not working as good as it could


First, I am not an Economics Professor

I am just a person very interested in why economics is not working as good as it could

I have been asked, "if you were good at economics, you would be rich ... "

I answered with, "I know I don't understand Economics, That's why I am studying it ... I am a student of Economics"

on the flip side, statistically speaking, all the 50,000 people I asked "if you had one idea to improve the economy, What would it be?" cannot possibly be economically stupid, so there must be many good ideas on this site ...

and if you believe they are, you need to look where they did or didn't learn economics from ... it is my understanding, it is not legal to teach Algebraic Economics Ideas in it's entirety in any public school, the parents are expected to teach economics to there children, and if and when it is legal,

you still have the laws of Physics, Time, Gods laws, Laws of nature, Politics, etc that will slow down the Algebraic Economic learning curve for any one person, but all may learn faster through collective of people learning Algebraic Economics Ideas ... Using the free Market

My definition of the free market is

using all or some of these economics ideas

Capitalists Economics it's all Capitalist economics, You have to have Capitol in order to have something to trade or share ... so I will call it the free market ...

Socialist Capitalists ( mostly economics education based, how ironic is that )

Communist Capitalists ( usually only works well in small groups mixed in with the free market, example a family sharing income, and sharing the duty of helping others, economic trade ... but I have heard of great economic failure as well ... )

I am sure there is others, I do not know what they are ...

I have heard of some economic professors say that some other forms of economic ideas will only work if all the other economic ideas on a global scale fail ... what a load of bull ...

 if you are so sure your economic ideas will work, go to a poor country and show them how it could work ... all the other economies there have obviously failed ??? you know how may doctors told me they could not give a certain group of people a treatment based on current economic policies, the patients had no Algebraic Economic way to get the food they needed from farmers ... and then they might hear about free market idea to keep form dying ... and what I am afraid of is you would be there saying, oh no you can't do that, we have to with hold medical care, it's the law ...

there should never be an economic reason why someone should have to die ...




