a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...



new page

Econ AAAS Can a Person use Business Economics to get a Business Economics Degree


Example of a State College ? 

call and ask to verify then you can adjust the economic algebra


A lot of things you can think of you can Learn here at this college

Average Cost per year $23,000.00 ?

And that doesn’t include the cost of nutritious food and housing

And if you have any medical issues like 

allergies, High Blood pressure, diabetes, etc. 

then well, I do not know what to tell you the cost would be …


Business Economics Class costs $23,000.00 a year?

that just does not make any sense to me at all ...

aren't you suppose to learn Business Economics to be able to afford to  take the colleges courses that cost $23,000.00 a year ??? 

so that would mean that it would not cost any money up front for a business economics class and yet you would earn enough to pay for your tuition and other needs as well

I checked at more than one college, 

there is no such course available for me or anyone else in my situation ... why because a third party company is not legally allowed to help students at a college with a business economics class using business economics ??? oh sure a third party company can give money for college costs for as many students as they can afford or want to but, my company and many other companies has no hope of doing that for anyone right now with the economic rules we have to follow right now, oh sure Microsoft can, but even they are economically limited as to how many students they can help with the current economic rules ...



no wonder our economy sucks so much ???

true economics education is illegal ???


how ever the college does have some new things in economics I learned that could be very helpful for the world! 

and it only cost me time and effort, 

no money out of pocket, I earned it!



1/22/08 around 6:55 AM 570

KVI am radio person said something like

it is not governments responsibility to provide economics education to it's citizens ??? call and ask them, your life and children's future depends on the answer, you will think they are getting an economics education, but not if it is not governments job to do it, 

who's job is it???!!!


I called and asked, you said it is not governments job to educate it citizens, 


radio person, yea he said something to that effect ...


then I asked, well then what is the federal governments role in the department of education? 


radio person said, we do not have time for that right now


then I asked, can you ask him for me? ...






I heard on 570 KVI AM radio 6/9/08 around 7:30 am, 

police officers are losing there jobs??? 

I did a search, I could not easily find the article ...

would this Because of an apparent lack of algebraic economics understanding??? 

because of an apparent lack of algebraic economics education???











