a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...

Econ AACC one way to earn money, one way to earn stuff ???



 one way to earn money ???

 one way to earn ( I can't think of the right word ) Stuff ???

the numbers and physics may not be correct so ask a bank, farmers, city hall, and anyone else you can think of to fill in the numbers, correct the numbers, and correct the laws of physics described here ...



two different farmers ???


farmer one

Goes to a farmer and asks to borrow Seeds to grow apples on his acre of land

the third farmer says yes, but I want two buckets of sees back when you are done in ten years, and then I can loan two buckets out to two other farmers and get 4 buckets of seeds back, and then 8, and then 16, and then 32 and so on ...

the field grows apple trees over a period of ten years

and the farmer goes to the farmer in which the bucket of seeds was borrowed and gives the farmer back two buckets of seeds

then the farmer enters a collection of maybe 99 other farmers and trades foods ... ???

economic system one hundred families one hundred iou notes

or the farmer goes to the local farmers market to sell apples

it sounds a lot easier than Safeway, but each farmer does all there own work
each farmer pays property taxes, rent / lease / mortgage, electric bill, water bill, employees costs, etc., etc., etc.
just ask a farmer

well anyway
one bucket of seeds grows into a field of seeds

I believe you know where the seeds came from

Farmer Two

goes to the bank and asks to borrow 100 dollars to grow a field of apple trees on his acre of land

the bank says ok, but I want two hundred dollars back in ten years so I can lend out the money to two other people who need money, and then  4, and then 8, and then 16 and then 32 and so on

the field grows apple trees over a period of ten years

and the farmer goes to a store, maybe Safeway, and sells the acre of apples that have been picked to Safeway
and Safeway gives the farmer $10,000 dollars to the farmer for the apples ...
 $ 10,000.00 Dollars
100,000 amount of apples sold
 $             0.10 cost to Safeway per apple

of course the price of the apple goes up to the customer because Safeway pays taxes, electric bill, refrigeration bill, water bill, lease / mortgage / rent, employee costs, etc. etc. etc. 

well anyway
$100.00 dollars algebraically economically grows into $10,000.00 dollars

where did the extra money come from to represent economic growth, and how did it enter the market ... ???

 $      (100.00) loan
 $      (100.00) loan
 $ 10,000.00 earned
 $    9,800.00 economic growth

$10,000 minus $100 minus $100 equals $9,800 for economic growth



