a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...


new page

Econ AAEC are you wondering,

 how can algebraic economics can be used to find cures for diseases ???


  are you wondering,

how can algebraic economics be used to find cures for diseases ???


are you wondering,

how can algebraic economics be used to treat diseases ???


it is my understanding that first you could ask your doctor,

about " the history of diseases " ... ???


maybe you could test your doctor ?


ask your doctor ?

 how many people does it take to run a hospital

like " Tacoma General Hospital " in it's entirety ?


and how much does that cost ?

( "cost " may not be the right word,

but the only one I can think of to explain the question )




Patients may be skipping pills in tough economy ???



Preventing Patient Deaths from Fentanyl Patches ???


Obama and Biden are the Economic Doctors! sounds good

but I hear no plan to fix the economy !?



Ron Paul - No One Has A Right To Medical Care  

I thought you had the right medical care

if you had the algebraic economic skills to get medical care



Obama MTP Interview: Economy a big problem will get worst  

when jobs go overseas, you need to algebraically economically get jobs from overseas ???  

or go without goods and services related to such a problem

or borrow money from foreign countries,

which really means put on a charge card to pay for goods and services

that you have to pay back later with interest ???  




build root based algebraic economic formulas to create jobs in America ???   http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgGfOb9EhXk


Can Medical Jobs Save the Economy? - Special Report



Save 10 Jobs To Save 1,000 Lives - Save10Jobs.com  


( E x 1000 = ND number of deaths )

ND = number of people who are going to die

because doctors don’t understand algebraic economics ???  




