a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...

Econ AAEZ the President says the problem is ... ???


Video: Obama to GOP: Restore jobless benefits    



( it appears the economic problem is much bigger than I first assumed it was ... ???


the roots have been economically cut from the tree on many levels ... ???

and are they expecting the fruit to still grow on the tree anyway and provide jobs ... ???


we need algebraic economic root based businesses in order to provide jobs .. ???

because my survey suggested that algebraic economics education did not happen in public schools ... ?

because the public school system assumed that there would always be jobs ... ?

maybe we need to offer all unemployed and companies who are economically challenged,

public colleges to teach business economics so they can take something from the ground

make some sort of value out of it, and start trading so they can start hiring ... ???

Gene Bowdish )



Health Care Economics is restricting doctors from helping patients

and Health Care Economics has taken away Discretionary income from

Americans and has taken away Disposable income from Americans as well

causing people to lose there Cars, Homes, etc. and there is cases where it has

taken away Gross income as well by taking away customers ... ???





( I do not see where the Economic Algebra of health care is being explained

that explains why health care is so tax based expensive,

they just assume you already understand how Health Care economics works ... ???


How is someone, who does not understand going to come up with an economic idea

to help solve the problem ... ???


How are you going to know how to VOTE on the Health Care Policies and who to vote

into office ... ???


if you are going to use Taxed Based Economics to attempt to solve the problem

then I would assume that you would need to know the cost of health care

divided by the working population of the United States ... ???

then see if we can come up with an algebraic economic formula

that would work for ten years,

then we would have ten years to come up with another idea for the next ten years ... ???






Obama Calls for an Educational Overhaul


Students apparently feel they have little Economic reason

or motivation to learn like they used to ... ???


Students need to learn the Government side of Business Economics

so they can start there own business if they cannot find a job

and it would increase there chances of hiring employees and giving jobs

to people where there was none before ... ???

( what good is it to use science and technology you learned in school to

to help people with and attempt to earn a living

if someone from government comes up to you and says, you cannot do that

to help people because you do not understand business law ... ??? )

( I went to Work Source to look for an employee who could help me with this part

and Work Source said,

you cannot hire an employee from Work Source to help you with Business Economics

until you understand Business Economics ... )


Students need to learn the Algebraic Economic Circle of being a salesman ... ???

then maybe the rest of the current education system will fall into place ... ???

( if your customer(s) feel they cannot economically afford your product or service

it well restrict your ability to sell your product or service, and well make it

difficult for you to afford someone else's product or service ... ??? )

( right now the only reason you have many of the products and services available to you

is because other countries have given it to you with the promise that you will pay

back those countries with your products, services, or your property

( could a foreign Bank / government actually take your home

and everything you own with it because

you don't understand Algebraic Economics ),

how you ask ? isn't that what the United States Deficit is all about ... ???

what is worse is apparently, your government makes it hard for you to understand that,

 that is what the United States Deficit is all about is all about ... ??? )




Has China began economic warfare?



China 'caught in US money trap' - 25 May 09 ???




He's Barack Obama




