a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...

Econ AAFP you may need a matching Economics Dictionary and encyclopedia

in order to understand each economic meeting and or presentation, etc, because ...


I asked more than 50,000 people

" if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ? "

about 90% or 45,000 people first time I asked them said something like, I don't know or

what does the economy mean ???


so I started asking public school teachers,

do you teach economics in class ?

Teachers most common answer was no

 or there is no need to teach economics in a public school


there was teachers that did come up with some good ideas,

but still the most common answer was no


so I started asking, why don't teachers teach economics in a public school


finally one teacher said to me:

" we taught you how to read, write, and do math in school, if you want to learn economics

go to the library "


so, I did go to the library ...


I looked at some economics books,

but I liked the audio books or videos on economics the best

because I could still do many of the tasks that I needed to do

during the day and still learn about economics


there was this one Book on CDs ( a lot of CDs ) about an economics professor

this professor went to many economics conventions,

and talked to many economics professors

and he was impressed with a lot of the stuff learned about economic theory's,

by talking to economics professors,

but was disappointed when many professors had problems getting there theory's to work

 in the real world, kind of like what is happening now ... ???


I realized I was still not sure of what I was listening to,

some words didn't add up to many of the answers people gave me

when I asked more than 50,000 people,

if you had one idea to improve the economy, what would it be ? ...


I was asking my self,

" why was there so much misunderstandings between groups of people ?

 and why was there so many misunderstandings between people

and the meanings of economic terms ? "


so I started looking for economics dictionaries and encyclopedias


I found one, and started looking for definitions and

was trying to understand the misunderstandings between people


some definitions made some sense and some were still not making sense,

and I asked my self, why is that ?


so I picked up another economics dictionary by another author and

many of the economics definitions didn't match,

in fact many definitions had 180 degree meanings ...


so it appears to me that we have different groups of people in the United States who have

learned economics in a different way...

so when these different groups of people listen to the President of the United States,

the governor, talk radio, the mayor, etc, etc, etc,

there appears to me to be no apparent way people can possibly understand one another

an example: because when the economics talk person says the word green,

one group of people are going to see green,

another group will see blue,

another red,

another purple

without up front economics definitions of terms,

 I don't see how people can understand one another when it comes to economics terms

and discussions and meetings, etc ... ???!!!


Ok so it sounds like to me:


when an economic leaders says

do what I am saying about this economic theory that I am proposing

and our economic situation will get better


each group of people who agrees will try and comply with the economic proposal ... ???


but in reality, each group will be doing what they understand is the right thing to do and

each group of people understanding economics differently

will try the the theory differently,

even though they think they are doing it the same way ... ???

how confusing this could get ... ???


and the groups of people who disagree will try and do the economic theory the opposite way ... ???


but in reality, each group will be doing what they understand is the right thing to do and

each group of people understanding economics differently

will try the the theory differently,

even though they think they are doing it the same way ... ???

how confusing this could get ... ???


a possible example:

a person gives a group of people economic map of instructions over the radio

" if you go to Seattle, WA your problems will be solved or at least somewhat better ... "

in each groups minds eye:


many people who agree will wind up in Seattle

others will wind up in Portland, Oregon, and think they are in Seattle ... ???


many people who disagree will wind up in Portland, Oregon

others will wind up in Seattle, WA, and think they are in Portland ... ???




a lot like when I talked to doctors and medical professionals about medical definitions in 2001,

many doctors and medical professionals also had 180 degree definitions

especially on certain medical subjects, in this case, reading medical books alone will not help !

I feel you have to ask each medical professional and doctor there medical definition

on the subject at hand, then convert meanings and definitions as appropriate

in order to properly ...

communicate between different groups and fields of medical professionals



