a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...



I keep hearing on 570 KVI AM radio 

that the federal government has no control over the economy, 

nor should it 1/31/08



I have a question.


when everyone gets there rebate check I am hearing about, 

how many families are going to know how to use that money 

as a tool to help the economy grow???


How many families are going to know how to 

algebraically economically help each other???


George Bush our United States president

has somehow came up with a good idea

an economic stimulus package

give everyone somewhere between

what is it? give everyone? somewhere between 

$300 and $1600 dollars of there own hard earned money

if you spend it, where does the money go

does it create an investment and 

algebraically economically grow into more money

to spread to more people so they can use it to 

help provide stuff they need for there families

or will it just algebraically economically 

fail to grow

when? and if? you get the money will

you know what to do with it?




when you get the money?


lets say $300 dollars


depending on what you do with the $300 dollars

it remain the same value

decrease in value

or increase in value

the idea would be to algebraically economically increase 

the value from $300 to $3000 dollars

and then from $3000 to $30,000 dollars

and then from $30,000 to $300,000 dollars

the more people you help in the way that 

they need the help, the more your money 

is suppose to grow

there is major stumbling blocks

to algebraically economically make the economy grow

which include the laws of physics ...


there is probably not a proper definition you will find

in any encyclopedia 

for true algebraic economics and the laws of physics ...


do you have proper economics education? 


if you do not have the proper economics education,

where are you suppose to get it???


How much money are you suppose to be making???


you are suppose to be 

algebraically economically making at least $19.29 dollars per hour???


if two wage earners are the norm, then your family is suppose

to be algebraically economically making at least $38.58 an hour???









family per hour

hours a week


$ 1,543.20

weeks in a year


$ 80,246.40


so if your family is not algebraically economically 

making $80 thousand dollars a year

that may shed some light on why you are having a 

hard time affording the things your family needs


it was explained to me by an expert that if you are not 

algebraically economically making 

this income, you are an underachiever!?


( earnings averaged $19.29 per hour in June 2006 )



so the question obviously is, how do we make this happen?

many people have said, the size of my check is directly proportional to how nice or not so nice my boss is

if your boss does not understand economics well enough, then it would be possible that your boss is not mean at all

so where does the money come from ?


lets try this math model

the money comes from my boss

yea that's it

so to get a raise all I have to do is demand a raise and 

my boss and all the bosses employees will get a raise in pay

( this request is coming from the heart because you want to buy things for your family, like a place to live, healthy food, nice clothes, a good education, and hopefully entertainment and vacations and such )

so you go and ask your boss, Please can I have a raise

and your boss answers _________ 


- what do you think money grows on trees? 

( well really it does, but of course you would have to know how to algebraically economically turn the wood into a product or service someone can use with out destroying the forest, and the someone be willing to pay you for it ( but they usually don't tell you that part ))


- I'll pay you what you are worth, you are worth minimum wage


- ok, I'll give you a raise, now you can buy all the stuff that goes on the shelves for the customers ( and now you are thinking, how did that happen?, now I am getting paid $400,000 dollars a month and after I buy all the stuff that goes on the shelves for the customers I get paid less than minimum wage. what happened?! )


- in order to give you a raise, we would need to raise taxes, the tax payers just are not interested in any of that, I will get voted out, and I will be with out a job and so will you ...


- what your boss told you ______________




to the best of my knowledge money comes from customers 

no matter who your boss is

try giving me an example of a boss who pays you 

which the money did not come from a customer (s)

and of course the customers money came from other customers???!!!

where did it start? 

who got the first dollars and why?



$ 19.29



$ 19.29












$ 38.58

family per hour




hours a week


$ 1,543.20




weeks in a year


$ 80,246.40





$ 38.58









$ 38.58

family per hour




hours a week


$ 1,543.20




weeks in a year


$ 80,246.40






$ 38.58






$ 38.58

family per hour




hours a week


$ 1,543.20




weeks in a year


$ 80,246.40


assuming the laws of physics will allow this to happen


ok, this is where the algebraic economic math really comes in

if your family makes $30.84 an hour ???

you can increase it to $38.58 an hour ???

depending on algebraic factors in your life ???

in this way, if your employer is not algebraically economically

smart enough to pay you what your family needs, 

you can choose to help your employer


then as long as nobody screws it up for you

you can afford what you need, plus entertainment???




$ 15.42



$ 15.42



$ 7.75









$ 38.58

family per hour




hours a week


$ 1,543.01




weeks in a year


$ 80,236.40


home garden produced food for the year

Money saved because you did not have to buy it, god / nature helped


Note: prices at stores vary



$ 0.48



$ 1,440.00



$ 0.66



$ 1,980.00



$ 0.60



$ 1,800.00



$ 3.63











Earned / Saved / Year













weeks in a year


$ 309.81

a week


hours in a week


$ 7.75

an hour




more to come

