a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,
the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...


 Do you Play True Algebraic economic games?

What would the true algebraic economic game look like?



this Idea may not be fully a true algebraic economic game, 

but it's a start

( I got the idea after talking to an elementary teacher about white elephant money ... everything just kind of fell together after that ... )

what you need, 10 people to start


each player makes something directly from the ground 

using gods laws / natures laws / laws of physics 

( what ever you want to call it )


since it may be difficult to do that, here is an idea to speed things up

one part Elmer's glue and two parts stay flo liquid starch 

squish it in your hands and squish it some more 

eventually you will have home made silly putty

each person molds, forms, rolls, however you can do it safely, and makes 10 things, of the same thing


need an extra person to represent Labor and industries ( L&I ) to ensure safety, probably a parent ... ( if you go to the real L&I could give you free information that you might need? ask the library where it is )

need an extra person to represent the city, probably a parent ( if you go to the real City could give you free information that you might need? ask the library where it is )

other parents could represent other parts of government

ok, each of the 10 people who are making things, when they get done, put them in a pretend warehouse, maybe a large table, ok before they put them in

someone or some people need to make pretend IOU notes

it could look like this or something else that is similar

someone needs to handle, count, watch the IOU notes


OK, now one of the 10 players puts the ten of the same things they made on the table, the warehouse cashier gives the player 10 IOU notes for the 10 things

the next player does the same thing, and so on

when all ten players put there things they made on the table and gets there IOU notes, now comes the next part of the game

each player rolls a dice, the highest number gets in line, when each player gets in a line in front of the table

first player uses one IOU note in trade for something on the table and chooses something on the table, the cashier puts the money back into the pretend cash register, then the player goes to the back of the line, each player plays until each player has chosen what they want, or what is left, and all the IOU notes are back in the register

some options

choose a different play next time

when each player goes up to the table, they get to choose ten things in trade for there IOU notes

choose a different play next time

when the first player gets there 10 things of stuff done, they take it to the table and immediately get there 10 IOU notes

as each player gets done, a player can get in line and choose one of the things on the table that is different and trade with the IOU note

choose a different play next time

if a item is missing when a player gets up to the table, then the player that made the item the person wanted, makes it as fast as they can and puts it on the table and receives an IOU note for it, and then the person with the IOU note purchases the thing that was just made

choose a different play next time

make city IOU notes that are only good in the pretend city, pretend county IOU notes that is good in the pretend city and the pretend county, pretend State IOU notes that is good in the Pretend city, the pretend county, and the Pretend State, and make Pretend US dollars

then play and see what it would be like if you were limited to purchasing only in the city, or the county, or the state, or the US, or the world ...

choose a different play next time

add pretend coupons

add pretend gift certificates

choose a different play next time

3 tables = 3 cities, counties, states, or countries

each city, county, state, or country has it's own IOU notes

if you have IOU notes from city 1, you cannot buy from city two or three

if you have IOU notes from city 2 you cannot buy from city one, or three

if you have IOU notes from city 3 you cannot buy from city one or two

but you can trade what is on the tables

choose a different play next time

city one trades stuff on city ones table with IOU notes from city two, but the IOU notes from city two is not good in city one or city three, but you can buy stuff from city two with city two's IOU notes ... I am not sure how this will work, you will need to play with it to make it work ... city one can use the IOU notes from city two to buy goods, services, or property off of table two ...

city can be city, county, state, or country IOU notes

choose a different play next time

each person has ten IOU notes after putting the stuff they made on the table, they pay a tax to the pretend government of one IOU note for a service they voted for like pretend roads

 the government gets one IOU note from each of the ten players, so now the government has ten IOU notes, the government does not own the IOU notes the tax payers own the IOU notes, but the government is in charge of the taxed IOU notes, how it will be used is based solely on votes from the tax payers ...

the government buys things it needs from the table to build the road, like tractors, graders, dump trucks, etc. the government does not own the equipment the tax payers own it, but the government is in charge of the equipment, it is my understanding that taxes is an investment, the return is the roads

you may notice that for each person taxed one IOU note ..., play the game and see what happens, see if the investment turns the economy in to a negative one or positive one or if it remains equal ... see how many ways you can turn a negative economy into a positive one using algebraic economics math ...



choose a different play next time

No money is allowed

trade only

when you get to the warehouse you are allowed to trade with who ever you choose, assuming they are at the warehouse, based on what you pretend to want or need for your family or what ever ...

you are allowed to trade every ten minutes for 30 seconds, if you cannot make enough, or get enough done in time you have to wait for the next ten minutes to come around

make changes, try different things, times, etc. 


study economics and make a game out of it

for older players, you could replace the homemade silly putty with homemade cookies, pies, or other fun stuff ...


 something to think about ...

if an IOU note equals a dollar

and if the US mint makes the money

and if the US mint gives the money to 12 special banks

and if the 12 special banks gives the money to the rest of the banks

how does the money get from the bank to the warehouse where people get to use it?



go to college ask how much it would cost for an economics class, just pay for the class or choose to ask if you can earn it, if they say they don't know how, show them this web site http://www.mageniemagic.com/, and then maybe it could work ...



go to the library and get books, tapes, videos, etc. on economics


Keep these things in mind when you are playing the economics games

I have been told that almost every winner in the Olympics, what ever the sport was from a player who at a child's age started playing the game?

I have been told the number one reason why so many things fail is because of a lack of understanding in economics, no matter what the field?

the patient died because they could not afford to see the doctor?

the patient died because the patient could not afford the prescription?

the person died because we could not afford the proper training?

the person died because we could not afford the stuff we needed in the emergency rescue budget?

the child suffered because the government needed to take away the parents money that was set aside for medical care because the government lacked the algebraic economic understanding of how to do both ...?

the person suffered because the government needed to take away the families money that was set aside for medical care because the government lacked the algebraic economic understanding of how to do both ...?

the senior citizen suffered because the government needed to take away the senior citizens money that was set aside for medical care because the government lacked the algebraic economic understanding of how to do both ..?

the roads and highways cannot be completed because of a lack of tax revenue?

the schools cannot afford the things they need for the students because of lack of revenue?

the city cannot guarantee clean drinking water because of a lack of revenue?

etc. etc. etc. 

that's why I cannot understand why the city, county, state, and or federal government does not teach economics education to who ever needs it ... well until they decide to teach it, you can learn entry level economics from me ... then maybe I will finally be able to get some customers who have spending money in there pockets or not, some people appreciate what you do for them, and some don't ???

did any of these entities come up with an economic cook book that they could give to the people having economic problems to help solve economic problems?

it is possible that there is not a legal way to teach true algebraic economics in school to solve these problems, so you as parents may need to home school your children in these matters ... I believe I understand this economic law because I asked schools, colleges, and attorneys about it ... that could, would explain why people suck at economics if they are not legally allowed to learn it in school or college ... ???

I have found many fun ways to teach economics, collecting the information, like economic cook books, can be difficult ...






