a percentage of these ideas are really old ideas,

the ideas are still here in case something can be done with it ...

after college, Students may still not understand how to algebraically economically afford products or services or how to support their family or know how ...

many college students will not know how to algebraically economically afford to pay back there federal student loans you most likely loaned them the money for, through your federal taxes???

many college students will not know how to algebraically economically afford to pay taxes for the Police wages so policemen wages go down or policemen get laid off and or they lose quality medical care for there families etc.???

many college students will not know how to algebraically economically afford to pay taxes for the firefighters wages so firefighters wages go down or firefighters get laid off and or they lose quality medical care for there families etc.???

many college students will not know how to algebraically economically afford to donate to the Red Cross so you as a country will lose some services the Red Cross provides???


there is many other things college students will not know how to algebraically economically afford to support even if they want to???

Letter to the United States President







3/7/2008 News flash, Take the Lead, Facts?

Washington would need 11,659 more classroom teachers to match the national student-to-teacher average?

current algebraic economic problem in education?

Washington does not have the economic professors with the algebraic economic skills to help teachers keep up with the cost of living???

Washington does not have the economic professors with the algebraic economic skills to hire 11,659 teachers???

if people volunteer to teach, Washington does not have economic professors with the skills to algebraically economically help the teachers who volunteer to teach???

Washington does not have the economic professors with the algebraic economic skills to help parents keep up with the cost of living so they can easily pay the taxes for teachers cost of living raises???

a lot of people can see the economic problems that have been growing over the years, in that they go ask someone to help them and the people who so easily in the past used to be able to help can't 

( because of a lack of algebraic economics understanding many people are unable or refuse to help for fear of pain they barely understand that will hit them ), but I don't see much progress in solving the ever-changing algebraic economics problems that creep up on governments and governments citizens ...???



 Money is a tool, only a tool, you could use many other things in place of money, and some do like a wooden dollar, coupons, etc.

a hundred families make a 100 products or services for a hundred families and trade, the only reason you need the money is to keep track of who helps who???

well with a 100 families it is easy to keep track of things?

ok, here comes the problem, you only get a hundred things?

to build a hospital it takes thousands or millions of people to make it work, try keeping track of that with your memory?

to build a car it takes thousands or millions of people to make it work, try keeping track of that with your memory?

trivia question, in it's entirety, from the ground up, how many people does it take to make a candy bar? how many people does it take to mass produce a candy bar?




U.S. Department of Labor

Bureau of Labor Statistics

Consumer Price Indexes ( CPI )


What is the CPI?

How is the CPI used?

Whose buying habits does the CPI reflect?

Is the CPI a cost-of-living index?

Does the CPI measure my experience with price changes?

How is the CPI market basket determined?

What goods and services does the CPI cover?

How are CPI prices collected and reviewed?

How is the CPI calculated?

How are taxes treated in the CPI?

How do I read or interpret an index?

Is the CPI the best measure of inflation?

Which index is the "Official CPI" reported in the media?

What index should I use for escalation?

When should I use seasonally adjusted data?

What area indexes are published, and how often?

What area CPI should I use if there is no CPI for the area I live in?

Can the CPI for individual areas be used to compare living cost among the areas?

What types of data are published?

What are some limitations of the CPI?

Will the CPI be updated or revised in the future?

How can I get information on the CPI?

1. What is the CPI?

The Consumer Price Index (CPI) is a measure of the average change over time in the prices paid by urban consumers for a market basket of consumer goods and services.

2. How is the CPI used?

The CPI affects nearly all Americans because of the many ways it is used. Following are major uses:

As an economic indicator. More.

As a deflator of other economic series. More.

As a means of adjusting dollar values. More.




$1 in 1915 is equal to $20.52 in 2007 ?

Conversion Factor: 20.52 ?

Percent Change: 1,952.00 ?



In 1915 it took a lot less people to make the same thing, but it wasn't the same thing, not entirely, these economic professors are leaving a lot of economic algebra out of the equation, can you see what is missing in the formula? ... where is the formula?

clue ...what economic tools did they not have to solve problems in 1915 that you have now?

you might have wanted to buy a microwave for a couple of dollars in 1915, but it just didn't exist yet!!?? and when it did in 1946 ? it cost around $5000.00 dollars? ... so much for the, if you had $100 dollars and you went into the past to 1915, it would only cost $5 dollars for a brand new microwave???

here is another thing for you to think about, if you took your pay check and calculated the percent tax back then and the percent of tax now, and deducted the tax, how much would the algebraic economic difference be???

after you deduct the tax, and cancel the services you get for the tax, now take a look at the algebraic economic difference???

not so easy to do the algebraic economic math as they would like you to believe is it???





